Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in EdmontonOur NDs are trained in Hyperbaric OxygenA Modern Hyperbaric Clinic in Edmonton State-of-the-art Hyperbaric equipment Hospital grade Hyperbaric Chambers Full body 100% oxygenation Synergistic IV Therapy offered TruMed Clinic TruMed is committed to bringing Edmonton evidence based, cutting edge Naturopathic and alternative medicine treatments. Our newest offering is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - a powerful, well established modality that can improve healing in a range of conditions. Typically only offered in the hospital setting, our office offers Edmonton private Hyperbaric Therapy. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is synergistic with IV Therapy - one of our Naturopaths' most frequently effective treatments. Hyperbaric Oxygen FAQWhat is Hyperbaric Oxygen?By using a Hyperbaric chamber, as we increase the pressure, oxygen is dissolved in the plasma (liquid portion of the blood) at a higher rate. At sea level, only 2% of our inhaled oxygen is carried in the plasma and 98% is bound to hemoglobin in our red blood cells. Under Hyperbaric conditions, there is a 10 -15 fold increase of oxygen in the plasma which in turn can saturate the tissues with dramatically more oxygen. O2 tensions in tissues can remain elevated hours post exposure. Hyperbaric Therapy provides an oxygen rich environment for enhanced tissue metabolism. What has Hyperbaric Oxygen been used for?Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has been brought to our Edmonton office because it is extremely evidence based. A massive amount of data exists documenting the use of Hyperbaric Treatment for a huge range of conditions. Neurological conditions, infections, autoimmunity, athletics, and cancer are the most commonly discussed researched areas for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. What are the benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment?Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can reduce edema, enhance production of collagen production, stimulate growth of new blood vessels, improve immunity, mobilize stem cells and also has anti-microbial actions. How often are treatments given?For most health conditions, patients are treated once a day, five days per week for 60 minutes. IV Therapy may be suggested by your Naturopath at TruMed to compliment the Hyperbaric Therapy. Often times for chronic concerns, 20-40 treatments may be necessary to create lasting effects. IV Therapy is often given 1-2x weekly. How soon can I see or feel a response from the therapy?In many conditions acute effects can be seen from the hyperoxygenation provided by Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment. However, as mentioned above, occasionally up to 20 treatments can be necessary to facilitate substantial healing in chronic concerns and longstanding conditions and sometimes up to 40 treatments. Pairing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy with IV Therapy can hasten effects. Your Naturopath at TruMed will determine if your condition will benefit from the addition of IV Therapy. Are there risks to Hyperbaric Treatment?Generally speaking, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is an extremely safe treatment modality. In rare instances, ear damage can occur if someone cannot equalize their ear pressure in the chamber. Another rare side effect is oxygen toxicity, which can happen with prolonged exposures to high pressures (>2.0 - 2.4 ATA). At our Edmonton office, our chambers have air break masks which can be done with treatments higher than 2.0 ATA to prevent oxygen toxicity. After a large number of treatments, some patients will experience a temporary change in their vision (nearsightedness). |
Hyperbaric ResearchOur Naturopathic doctors love to dig into the data available supporting the use of the various treatments we offer at our Edmonton office. There is a wealth of published data spanning decades describing the benefit of Hyperbaric Oxygen in various health conditions. In particular, infections, neurology, athletics, cancer, injury and autoimmunity are the main researched Hyperbaric areas. InfectionsHyperbaric Oxygen Therapy provides substantially higher levels of oxygenation to the tissues which are detrimental to anerobic organisms, that is, those that thrive in the absence of oxygen. For instance, the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen for Lyme Disease was well described in the results of the Texas A&M University program where patients did 40 HBOT sessions and improvement or resolution of symptoms was observed in 37 of 38 subjects within 3 weeks of completing Hyperbaric treatment (Huang et al 2014). Naturopathic medicine has numerous herbal protocols to aid in the destruction of the bacteria associated with Lyme Disease, for instance the Cowden, Zhang and Byron White protocols are popular herbal supports. Our Naturopaths have experience in the administration of IV Therapy for Lyme Disease. With regards to other infections, in general, pure oxygen is always used up to 2.5 ATA for 60 minute sessions as the immune system is stimulated by oxygen pressures up to 2.5 ATA. Our Naturopaths often use moderate dose IV Therapy at our Edmonton office, to aid in the resolution of chronic infections, both of which can be enhanced by Hyperbaric Therapy due to the additive effects of both techniques. NeurologyOur Naturopathic Doctors' original interest in providing Edmonton with Hyperbaric Therapy was after evaluating the positive data on Hyperbaric Oxygen and neurological disease. Numerous effects of Hyperbaric treatment are applicable to neurological disease: Improvement of microcirculation, preservation of damaged tissue, improvements in cerebral metabolism, alleviating oxidative stress & inflammation, enhanced energy production and progenitor cell mobilization are the key effects of Hyperbaric Therapy in neurological disease. Stroke and TBI are two well researched areas with regards to Hyperbaric Oxygen and neurology. Efrati (2013) used Hyperbaric Treatment in 74 patients with chronic stroke which led to significant neurological improvements up to three years after the initial incident.
Harch (2020) had 63 subjects with Persistent Post Concussion Syndrome who showed significant improvements in symptoms including memory, cognitive function, mood, sleep and quality of life up to 4.6 years after the injury.
Some data supports the use of Hyperbaric in MS. Fischer (1983) used Hyperbaric Treatment in MS patients using twenty 90 minute treatments (2.0 ATA pressures) and objective improvement (mobility, fatigue, balance and bladder function) occurred in 12 of 17 patients treated with Hyperbaric Oxygen and in 1 of 20 patients treated with placebo. For most nervous system injury the treatment pressure range is actually not as high as the pressures used for infection, typically 1.5 - 2.0 ATA. With regards to neurological healing, our Naturopaths use both oral and IV treatments and physical therapy. Dr. Muradov has extensive experience in Multiple Sclerosis Naturopathic management. AthleticsAthletics is an area where the mechanisms of Hyperbaric Oxygen have particular applicability. Anti-inflammatory effects, enhanced blood vessel and bone formation, and stimulation of collagen production and stem cell release are well known Hyperbaric effects that are certainly applicable to sports injury. Ishii et al (2005) reported that the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen in Olympic athletes and it was found that all seven athletes treated had enhanced recovery rates from Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Furthermore, Ishii et al (1999) looked at 22 athletes with various injuries using Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment and more than 70% of the patients experienced improvement. Some of the athletes in this study experienced extremely rapid improvements. Interestingly, a documentary from 2020 described how Connor McDavid of the Edmonton Oilers used Hyperbaric Therapy to hasten recovery from an athletic injury. Our Naturopaths have experience using IV Therapy for athletic performance and healing at our Edmonton office. IV treatments are commonly used therapies to improve energy and recovery in athletes of all sports. IV Therapy can be used in conjunction with Hyperbaric Treatment for athletic injury. HBOT in Athletes (Ishii 1999)
CancerThe applicability of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment to cancer is two-fold: first, it is a well known modality in the treatment of radiation induced tissue injury and is commonly used in the hospital setting as such. Secondly, there is preliminary data suggesting that Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment can be used to offset altered metabolism that is inherent to cancer cells. According to Poff 2013, there is preliminary evidence that Hyperbaric Oxygen and ketogenic diets have a synergistic effect for cancer treatment which suggests that Hyperbaric Oxygen can be used in the context of a metabolic cancer treatment. Furthermore, multiple studies of Metabolically Supported Chemotherapy or "MSCT" (which involves the administration of chemotherapy plus the use of a ketogenic diet, hyperthermia and Hyperbaric Oxygen) also supports the notion that Hyperbaric Oxygen is an important metabolic cancer therapy. Our Naturopathic doctors are strong proponents of the Metabolic Cancer approach which involves manipulation of the preferred energy pathways of Cancer cells. In particular, Alpha Lipoic Acid is a helpful treatment our Naturopaths offer at our Edmonton office that has a strong track record in numerous cancers. AutoimmunityHyperbaric treatment has applicability to autoimmunity in part because of its suppressive effects on the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-α as well as downregulation of cytokines, PGE2 and COX-2, and upregulation of growth factors (Butler 2009). Human data exists for the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment in MS, Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis, as well as Psoriasis. Our Naturopaths have experience addressing autoimmunity. Often times we use anti-inflammatory diets, analysis of the microbiome, investigation into toxicities and chronic infections to better understand sources of systemic inflammation in our Edmonton autoimmune patients. As mentioned before, Dr. Muradov has extensive experience in the Naturopathic management of MS. |
We offer Edmonton the chance to pair cutting edge Naturopathic treatments with Hyperbaric Oxygen.Dr. Muradov has authorization and training in Hyperbaric Medicine and IV Therapy and we are the only Naturopathic clinic in Edmonton with Hyperbaric capabilities. Research has shown Hyperbaric Oxygen can be a powerful healing modality for numerous notoriously hard to treat conditions. Often times, Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment can be paired with appropriate IV Therapies for an enhanced effect based on mechanistic overlap. Curious about Hyperbaric Oxygen?Get in touch